Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Children . . . .

Okay, So I have been baby sitting. She is a beautiful little girl with long brown hair and huge brown eyes. She is 3. That being said, you don't know her.....She is a BRAT, and that is putting it nicely. She picks fights with my son. She wines, and cries for no reason. She argues with you just so she can have the last word. If you tell her to do something or stop doing something, she won't. She is always into everything and can't keep her hands to herself. My 2 yr old does a tremendously better job at doing these things than she does. She also influences my son to do bad things, just like her. She makes me want to scream, kick, and pull my hair out ( that is putting it mildly ). There are days I'd really like to pinch her little head off!!! Today was one of those days. I put her in time out, i spanked her hands, I got in her face, and she still would not do as she was told, ALL DAY LONG. Her parents have the nerve to call her angel and don't listen them selves after being told several times by the daycare teacher that their child is a "terror". This coming from someone who deals with 2 and 3 yr olds all day.
This morning I told my kids to clean their rooms and put away their clothes. My oldest did what she was told. My youngest however, did not and shoved everything in her closet and closed the door. I told her Last night to do the same thing as well, and the day before that. Finally, it came down to yelling. I yelled at her and told her how it was. After much defiance, I spanked her, then realizing i was only hurting my hand, I pinched her on the thigh. She immediately cried and then looked at me with straight Evil in her eyes and screamed at me....yes, that high pitched little girl scream...
I looked at her and asked her if she was finished, then proceeded to tell her how it was some more.... I was not a very good example for my child today by yelling at her. I seem to yell a lot. Children can only learn if you tell them how to do things and then do them yourself. BRAT does not get told no...if she does, she doesn't have a follow thru. Therefore, she doesn't get in trouble and doesn't learn anything. What do you do with a child when they won't listen and do as they are told....spanking doesn't work, time out doesn't work, grounding doesn't work, taking away privileges doesn't work.... what do you do? How do you discipline your children?